Sunday, August 15, 2010

Top 25 Ways To Earn Dollar

  • Hunt in the usual places for change: check the pockets and lining in your coats and jackets, check your couch cushions, your desk drawers, under the bed, your car, etc. I know this is obvious, but most people never think of looking in all those places when they need quick small cash. They will usually look in most of them, but forget one or more.

  • Check the rebate sites and match products against receipts of recent purchases. If you don't check you will never know what money you have thrown away, that you were entitled to get back.

  • Put some ads on your site or blog. Adsense is easy to set up and you will eventually make something from it. And there are other programs that will pay off even sooner, since they have lower minimum payout thresholds. So shop around and see what is agreeable with your conscience and can fit in well with your site and not scare your visitors away.

  • Give away something for free on your site, and put a donate button right under it...and ASK for a donation! If you have any kind of art software like Photoshop, Paintshop Pro,, etc...and you know how to use it...make some blank buttons or something, that people can use for their websites and post it in your blog. Release it under a Creative Commons license, require a link back to your site if they use it, and even if people don't donate, it will drive some traffic your way, which you just might make some money off the ads they may click.

  • Sell off your unwanted junk at a yard/garage sale, flea market, ebay craigslist, etc. Why throw away something other people want and would be willing to pay for?

  • Turn your trash into treasure by getting crafty, then sell your creations. I once took a bucket of water, some glass bottles & jars, and old nail polish and made some really cool looking stuff by filling the bucket with water, dripping the nail polish on top of the water, and dipping the glass into the bucket. The effect was like a swirly Easter egg, and since some of the nail polish had glitter in it, it looked even better. I painted the rims with some crappy quality silver nail polish that I didn't like and sold them for $0.50 each at a flea market. I made quite a bit by cleaning out my recycle bin and selling the stuff, rather than letting it all go to the curb. Tall narrow jars, like the kind from olives, make nice bud vases and sell even faster with an old silk flower you would have thrown away, stuck inside it. Wash the flowers first, if they look a bit grimy.

  • Return bottles for deposit. In some states, you are required to pay a deposit on bottles, which is included in the purchase price of the product and will be refunded upon the return of the empty bottles. If you live in such a state, go get your money back.

  • Find a coupon for $2 or more off on some brand of cigarettes, purchase the cigarettes, then sell them to someone else for $1 off the regular price. It helps if you know a smoker that smokes that brand before you buy, though.

  • Sell your old cd's that you don't listen to any more to a second hand cd store. Tastes change, and there is no reason why you should keep something you aren't going to listen to any more, just to let it take up space and collect dust. You can get cash for it and someone else won't have to pay full price.

  • Sell your old unwanted fiction books to a used book store. Keep reference books, and in the future, get your fiction from the library instead of buying it. There is no reason to pay for something you will read only once. The library has so much in the way of good works of fiction that you will never run out of stuff to read. And you can read it all for free.

  • Check your state's unclaimed funds list for your name. I have found quite a few people I know on the list for my state, including my uncle, and an ex-employer.

  • That recent purchase you haven't opened, used, or worn that you really don't need, take it back for a refund. Impulse spending can be a serious drain on your wallet. Learn to control it.

  • Sign up with and take surveys. The more people you have in your family, the more surveys you will be asked to take. You will make at least 10 points per survey, more if they ask you to take a long one. I have taken surveys worth 250 points each. When you have 1000 points you can cash them in for a $10 check.

  • Sign up with and click links in emails and take surveys. You don't have to buy anything to make cash from them. Use some free email account to do it separate from your regular one. They will send you emails that if you visit the site you earn points. When you earn enough points you can redeem them for money. I have received quite a few $10 checks from them doing that.

  • Do some paid consumer product testing with ACOP. They are one of the few companies I know that will pay you for product testing. It's not a scam. It can be tough to qualify for a product test, but when you do, you usually can make a few bucks and get a free product out of the deal, too. I have tested all kinds of things from toothbrushes, to shampoo, to feminine hygiene products. I have been paid from $2 to $7 per test. I have also taken paid surveys with them. They don't run on a points system and they don't make you wait till you have accumulated a certain amount in rewards before sending you the cash. They pay for each thing you qualify and participate in, and mail out the money soon after you complete it.

  • Check your junk mail to see if it has cash included. I once received a letter from some magazine company asking me to go to their website and take a survey. The letter came with a $1 bill as compensation for my time and trouble, that I could keep even if I declined to take the survey. Now I never throw away junk mail without checking it for cash first.

  • Keep an eye on your neighborhood trash for sellable furniture. Grab it, clean it and sell it. (see #4) I once had a neighbor that was moving and threw away some beautiful glass tables that I grabbed & cleaned and hid in my basement till the following month's yard sale. I then sold them to another neighbor for $50. She never knew she had bought someone else's trash.

  • Write an easy to follow guide or how-to book and self publish it on Everybody knows how to do something that not everyone else knows how to do. All you have to do is explain it well. Put some time & thought into it and write something worth buying. Then upload the .pdf and charge a reasonable price for it.

  • Think up witty sayings to put on T-shirts and start a cafepress shop and sell the stuff on your site. Ask your site visitors to send you photos of them wearing the shirts, for publication on your site. Start your visitor gallery page off with a photo of yourself or your pet wearing one of the shirts. It's a great way to connect with your site visitors and a great incentive to get them to buy a shirt.

  • Sell your broken jewelry as scrap metal. If you can't wear it, and it's not fixable, it's as good as trash. But it's trash with a monetary value, if you sell it to a jewelry store.

  • Sell the collections (coins, stamps, toy cars, comic books, baseball cards, dolls, etc). You are probably keeping them thinking that some day they will be worth something. Today is someday. You should check and see if it is true. If it hasn't gone up in value after 5 years, sell it for whatever you can get for it and cut your losses. There are better ways to invest your money than in "stuff". If you have fallen in love with the stuff and can't bear to part with it, you have reduced its value to $0. Never fall in love with an investment. Sentimental value can't put food on the table.

  • Sell your old vinyl records. If you don't have a turntable any more, what good are they to you? You probably will never listen to them again. You might as well turn them into cash and let someone else enjoy them before they get warped or damaged and become worthless.

  • Sell those textbooks you don't need any more. Next time buy used books and you might even make a profit when you sell them.

  • Stand by a pay phone, holding the phone to your ear, and ask people that pass by if they have a quarter. People will assume you need it for the phone and usually give it to you if they don't mind wasting the time it takes to dig in their pocket for it.

  • Check the ground in the parking lot outside a convenience store for change. You would be amazed at how many people don't like change and will just throw it on the ground. There is a store in my neighborhood that is always good for finding at least $1 in nickels, dimes, and pennies. 
  • Thursday, August 12, 2010

    The Most Addicting Games on the Planet

    by Chris Robertson
    If you're an avid gamer, you' probably enjoy most genres of games and puzzles. Someone asks if you'd like to play, and you immediately say, "I'm in!" In an admittedly informal survey of avid gamers (and after some very heated discussions), here are the games that they claimed were among the most addicting games on the planet.
    Video Games
    When it came to addicting video games, many of my gamer friends voted for the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (for the GameCube) and WarioWare: Smooth Moves (for the Wii). The guys in the crowd were partial to the Burnout Series and the Gran Turismo series (for the Playstation). And those who were into role-playing games were vocal in their support of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (on the Xbox 360).
    Board Games
    All of my gamer friends love to play board games, and most named Monopoly as one of the most addicting games on the planet. Other traditional board games that ranked high included Scrabble and Risk. Some mentioned unique board games, such as Axis & Allies and Starfarers of Catan, while others stuck with Pictionary and Trivial Pursuit.

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    Card Games
    When it came to card games, more than a few of my gamer friends admitted to having stayed up all night playing poker. Several owned high-end poker chip sets and planned their activities around their monthly poker games. There weren't any bridge players in the group, but several mentioned learning old-time card games from their parents and grandparents. The fondly reminisced about playing card games of canasta, rummy, hearts, and spades as they were growing up.

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    Kid's Games
    All of my gamer friends said that they came from game-playing families, and that they started playing games when they were very young. Aside from card games like Old Maid and Crazy Eights, most ranked Chutes and Ladders, Sorry!, and checkers as all-time favorites. Those with kids said that some of the newer games for kids, like Cranium Cadoo and Pictionary Junior, were big hits at home, although one said that her daughter loved jigsaw puzzles more than any particular game - and had over 50 in her collection!
    Strategy Games
    When the subject of strategy games came up, there was an intense discussion of the merits of checkers, chess, and backgammon. The chess players in the group dismissed checkers as too simple, while the checkers players argued that the chess players were just brainiacs. Everyone did agree, though, that backgammon was one of the most addicting games on the planet.
    Party Games
    Naturally, all of my gamer friends often attended "game night" parties, and all agreed that 25 Words or Less and Taboo were two of the most addicting games on the planet. For more organized fun, many voted for Bunco, a mindless dice game played by 12 or more players. Everyone vouched for the fact that Bunco allows you to visit with friends while rolling the dice, accumulating points, and periodically screaming "Bunco!"
    Obviously, every gamer is unique and has his or her own personal list of the most addicting games on the planet. But if you haven't dabble in those that my gamer friends recommend, give them a try - you might find them addicting as well!

    Booster - World of Warcraft Leveling Training Package

    Friday, August 6, 2010

    Stop Squeezing Your Pimples - 7 Safe Ways to Get Rid of Pimples

    It's everyone's worst nightmare. Waking up the day before a
    special event to discover a big, red pimple baring itself for all
    to see right on your face!
    Here's how to get rid of it quickly and safely:
    1. Don't ever pinch, squeeze or pick at a pimple. This only
    causes it to become more red and inflamed, and will spread the
    bacteria and oils that caused it in the first place, to other
    parts of your face! It can also lead to scars.
    2. Every 30 minutes, apply an ice pack to the pimple and hold it
    there for about 2 minutes. This will decrease the swelling and
    redness and help shrink the inflammation and pain that sometimes
    comes along with it.
    3. They don't call it concealer for nothing! Covering the pimple
    with a light dose of flesh-tinted concealer can help mask it when
    you're in a hurry. It also helps cover up that oily shine.
    4. Cleanse your skin 2-3 times a day with mild, unscented soap or
    a specialized acne cleanser that has no harsh chemicals (such as
    lye). Scrub skin gently with an exfoliating pad or washcloth, but
    don't rub too hard, otherwise you'll sap your skin of its own
    natural oils, which help to repel buildup naturally.
    5. Apply a cream or ointment containing benzyl peroxide or
    salicylic acid (many over-the-counter acne medicines contain
    these ingredients) to the blemish or around the entire facial
    area. Note that these ingredients both have a tendency to dry
    out skin if used too much and are not recommended if you have
    sensitive skin.
    6. Wear oil-free makeup whenever possible. These types have less
    of a tendency to cause the pore buildup that results in
    blemishes. Remove your makeup nightly and cleanse with an
    acne-fighting medicine to remove dirt, oil and makeup from deep
    within the skin.
    7. If you're in need of a quick fix, a dab of toothpaste on the
    affected area right before bed can help soothe irritation and
    reduce redness. Pressing and holding a wet tea bag or a cotton
    ball with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five
    minutes can also reduce swelling and redness.
    If you follow these tips, chances are you'll notice a significant
    difference rather quickly - often within a day or two. If
    pimples become a recurring problem or worsen, your doctor or
    dermatologist can suggest a daily skin cleansing routine that
    will suit your skin type. Other long-term remedies, such as
    facial masks, diet adjustments and increasing the amount of water
    you drink can also help combat outbreaks.
    The information contained in this article is for educational purposes
    only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any
    disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any
    health care program.
    Emily Clark writes articles on a wide range of health and lifestyle topics. She has an excellent selection of tips about wheel chairs cushions selecting-manual-electric-wheelchairs/] posted on her blog and if you need information on pride wheelchairs then this is an article you should not miss.

    Acne Free in 3 Days

    How to Tell if a Guy Likes You: Does He Like You? Why are Guys So Hard to Read?

    First off, regardless of what your heart tells you or how your mind forces you to think, DO NOT obsess with a guy you can never have. There are so many more fish in the sea, so many more guys you can love who actually deserve your love. Do not ever hurt yourself for some guy who will never learn to appreciate you. The signs are the following:
    If you are his candidate for a Booty Call and then he doesn't know you during the day.
    If he uses you.
    If he abuses you.
    If he hurts you. For instance, he calls you Fat. He doesn't tease you playfully, he downright treats you like garbage.
    If he talks behind your back about you. If he starts rumours about you...
    Understand this, guys can really be evil sometimes. Move on if you answered yes to any of the above.
    Now that we've got that out of the way, here comes the juicy part. How can you tell if a guy likes you? You like him. You feel it in the gut he likes you back. But you need some substantial proof. I will not go into the types of guys out there, because in the end, there will always be a group of guys who have no niche to fall into. These tips are not foolproof, since human nature is always fickle. So, I suggest you read this and use it as a reference and not your bible.
    Strategy ONE
    Ask him. He says he likes you. Case closed. You are done. But, fearing rejection, can you even do that? If only things were so simple. I'll tell you this. Just ask him. This will save you a lot of time. If he says no, then you can understand that he doesn't and may not even after knowing you for a bit of time. Therefore, it will be him who regrets later on when he falls for you in return, granted you guys will hang out and stuff... Maybe not, since if he does reject you, it will be too embarassing... So what you can do is this....
    "Do you like me?"

    "I knew it! I don't like you either." Haha!
    "Do you like me?"
    "Yes, as a friend."

    "Me too. I was worried because I thought you didn't like me as a friend..." Saved!
    If he says he likes you in a way that he likes you likes you and not as friend, then you've just scored yourself your dream guy.
    Signs that he likes you
    He blushes and sweats. You intimidate him.
    He stares at you. (He can be a stalker, beware)
    He does things to deliberately gain your attention.
    He stutters when he speaks to you.
    His pupils dilate when you are up close and you see them... Beware, pupils dilate when it is dim, mostly.
    He waits for you. He looks out for you.
    He laughs at your jokes when no one else does.
    He teases you because he wants you to remember and notice him.
    He listens to you and actually remembers little details.
    He notices slight changes in your appearance.
    He seems sad when you ignore him.
    He seems jealous when you are with another guy. Whoo.
    His friends all know you when you don't know them.
    He smiles back when you smile at him.
    He often stares at you and when you catch him, he does that cute head turn, very fast!
    He performs sweet acts for you. He defends and protects you. He tolerates you being mean to him.
    He is a smooth talker. He is very comfortable around you.
    He places his hands on you with ease.
    Every other girl likes him.
    Just be careful.
    There are many more signs, but anyway, just go with your heart, take care of yourself, and let things happen naturally. If it's meant to be, it's meant to be.

    My Cup of Tea A teen-romance that gives you clues on boys.
    Article Source: 

    Wednesday, August 4, 2010

    Cell Phone Number Search - How to Reverse Lookup a Cell Phone Number

    When do you need a reverse phone service?
    If you want to find the name and location of the owner of a specific phone number (cellular or landline) and this number is not listed in whitepages or phone books, you will need a specialized reverse phone lookup service. These services operate by purchasing access to subscriber databases of various mobile operators and phone companies. By combining multiple sources of information, they provide users with a capability to search through a huge database containing almost all phone numbers in the USA. This database includes land line numbers, unlisted numbers and cell phone numbers.
    Reverse phone lookup services are bound by agreements with phone companies, which prohibit them from providing this information for free (primarily for the reasons of privacy). This is the reason why you need a valid credit card or paypal account to register and use these services. This ensures that they cannot be utilized for illegal purposes (e.g. stalking.) Besides, phone companies charge for access to their databases in the first place, so reverse lookup services try to recoup some of their costs by requiring a subscription fee.Ginger anodyne clears the palate
    Are there any free alternatives to paid reverse phone lookup services?
    If you don't feel like using paid services, there are a few alternatives that may help. You may look up the number in publicly available whitepages or phone books, or use an internet search engine, such as Google or Yahoo. However, if the number in question is cell phone or unlisted, you search will most likely provide no results, because such information is not publicly available. It won't hurt to try, though.
    What kind of information you can expect to find using a cell phone lookup service?
    You can expect to find the owner's name and address. Some services also provide additional information such as the list of household members.
    How to use a reverse phone lookup service?
    Simply enter the phone number which you are researching into the online form. Most services will immediately provide the following information for free:
    • Whether the phone number in question is cellular or land line.
    • The precise location (city and state) where the number is registered.
    • Whether any additional information about this number is available.
    To find the name of the phone's owner, you will need to purchase access to the service (a nominal yearly fee is usually required). As mentioned above, the registration requirement is a way of ensuring the service will not be used illegally.
    Are reverse phone lookup services legal?
    Yes, cell phone lookup services are completely legal, provided you use the obtained information for lawful purposes. In particular, you are not allowed to take advantage of this information for making telemarketing calls.
    Visit the Reverse Phone Lookup website to perform reverse phone lookup and find the owner of any cell phone, landline or unlisted number.
    Article Source:

    Free Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Websites - Do They Exist?

    Is it really possible to run a free reverse cell phone lookup on the internet? Many of us have become disillusioned and frustrated in the past with websites which appear to offer free products or services online but in fact do not. Is this the case with cell phone lookups?
    Firstly let us examine exactly what we mean by a phone number lookup. If you have in your possession a residential phone number but no idea who the number belongs to or what address it relates to you can use a "reverse lookup" service to find out those details. This can obviously be very useful in situations where you have lost contact with someone but still have a record of their phone number, or simply wish to verify who owns the number before mistakenly phoning the wrong number. There are many places you can perform such residential and business phone lookups online for free, including toll-free numbers.
    However a problem arises when you need to run a reverse lookup on a cellular phone as the free directories do not contain any such numbers. Similarly they do not contain fax numbers as this information is only held by the carriers and telecommunications companies. Do these records exist, and are they free?Ginger anodyne clears the palate
    The good news is there are websites which claim to offer large numbers of cell phone numbers, but they are not free. These websites naturally have to pay for access to some of this information, and go to the considerable trouble of pulling all the various resources together in one place, and as a result you will be charged a small fee before you can access the lookup databases. However the fee is a one-off payment and with some websites you can run as many searches as you like once you have access, with others they offer a single lookup for a lower fee. The records they claim to offer include cell owner details, address history, carrier details, and the phone connection status. It is also worth noting that the databases offered by each company differ to some degree, but most include cell phones and often residential, business, toll-free, even pagers, and these websites say your searches are guaranteed legal and confidential.
    In addition to reverse lookups there are also similar websites which offer access to information such as background checks and background reports, people finder databases, bankruptcies, liens, public records databases including births, deaths, marriages, divorces and adoptions, sex offender records, police records, and much more. These sites operate in the same way, offering access to specific types of information for a set fee, however it should be noted that you will not receive access to such information as part of your cell phone lookup site membership.
    I have seen websites claiming to offer free cell lookups, but they always lead eventually to the paid sites in the end, even allowing people to search for free and then charging to view the results. It is the sad truth that the only place where you are likely to find detailed reverse cell records is within the legitimate paid directories. In conclusion, the answer is no, free cell phone lookups do not currently exist. However if you really want to access such records then I believe paying a small fee is a price worth paying.
    For more information including a list of popular reverse cell phone lookup sites visit Cell Phone Pages also contains hundreds of cell phone and telecommunications articles and resources covering all aspects of cell phone safety, security, accessories and shopping.

    Monday, August 2, 2010

    Earning the Trust of Your Children

    Children are very sensitive individuals who can tell if a parent is trustworthy or not. Relationship with children has to be developed with each day that you interact with them. I have two children and from grooming them I have a few lessons that any parent or would-be parent can use to gain the trust and attention of their children.
    A few hints
    - Take time to teach and talk to them - Children obey the teachings of their parents more than any other voices. When you do not avail yourself to teach them the principles of life, they will try and find a source to teach them like television and so on. You are the teacher of those children. Be available to fulfill that mandate. It should not always be about correcting them lest they fold into themselves in.
    - Tuck them away at night - This is one thing that lacks in modern society. Parents are so busy trying to make a living and find money to feed their families such that kids go to bed without hearing the voice of the parents. They eventually lose the connection. Tucking them away is very important. Read them a bedtime story, sing a lullaby, pray for them, read bible story and so on. They sleep better, excited. Whenever I would skip this process, my daughter at one point would wake up in the middle of the night and complain about how I didn't pray for her and now she had a bad dream.
    - Celebrate them every time - If you remember their birthday and celebrate it, kids will love you forever. If they show a sign of improving in their school work, you notice and celebrate them, you would have given them enough arsenal to take on the world. Children are sensitive to this. They may fail you but the ultimate desire is to see their parent happy. My youngest daughter always looks at my facial expressions when she communicates her results. Even if it is a 56% she expects me to be excited. I remember blurting "56%, that is not good enough". She sobbed all afternoon. She still desired to be celebrated and encouraged. Some children will not crumble but feel energized by a challenge like that. Study and see how your children receive correction.
    - Spend quality time with them - This does not mean just being in the same room. It means you are totally focused on what they are saying. Making them feel important. Drop what you are doing and concentrate. As a parent this has been one very hard task to stick to. I would be in the same place with them and not really be with them as I would be busy typing away, articles, books, editing and so on. If they notice this then they feel unimportant. They may not tell you but you begin to lose value in their sight.Ginger anodyne clears the palate
    - Correct them firmly - Children will always want to be corrected. The best tutors they have are not in school but back home. Be firm on issues of principle. When you teach and correct them while they are young they will grow knowing and appreciating you for your input. Children with no parents are sometimes rowdy as they have no one who can sit them down and guide them. If you are a living parent take this responsibility with both hands and play your part.
    - Explain the why not just the how - Sometimes children don't like it when they are told how to do things without the underlying explanations of why. Children have the most inquisitive minds ever. My eldest daughter will not stop asking the question Why. She asks, you answer and she will develop further and ask another why until there is understanding. They are not being a problem but simply desiring to know as much as possible. They are children remember.
    - Meet every promise you make - They will grow to know that you can be depended on. When you promise them anything, always go out of your way to meet the promise
    - Tell the truth - If you decide to tell lies and they get to find out then you will automatically set the tone on how they should also run their lives. Everything you do is something they feel can be copied to be part of their own lives. You can create a problem by modeling what you don't want.
    - Be real and open - Be the original parent that you have always been. The fact that you now have children does not mean that you now have to be serious and mean. It just means you have matured and now need to work with your children to groom them to be the best they can be in life. Avoid being the person they see in movies and be real.

    Rabison Shumba is a writer, businessman and philanthropist. Writer of the book The Greatness Manual which you can preview on Founder and CEO of Infotech Solutions and Greatness Factory Trust. Rabison speaks about success, leadership, motivation and inspiration. His trust works with disadvantaged school children supporting them with school fees and general livelihood. He also helps to network artists (musicians of all genres) to facilitate information sharing and building of future celebrities. Rabison is well traveled having been to Asia, America, United Kingdom and all over Africa. He is married to Jacqueline Edwards and they have two children. They reside in Harare, Zimbabwe, Southern Africa.

    Nurturing Creative Children

    How to Tell If a Guy is Going to Ask You Out? Here is How to Read Her Mind Before it Happens

    Guys can be a bit confusing when it comes to the way that they truly feel for a woman. Sometimes they can be so unpredictable that women start to get confused on the mixed signals that are being sent their way. But are there really tell-tale signs that a guy is about to ask you out? Here they are:
    He is the most inquisitive person when you're around.
    He is like the nosey reporter - he just wants to know every bit of information about you. His curiosity means that he likes you or is even considering wooing you pretty soon. If he still hasn't asked you out on a date, then it might just be because he's intimidated by you or he's too shy.
    He gently tells you to improve yourself.
    A guy who is concerned at what other people would tell about you is definitely attracted to you. And if he even goes out of his way to improve some of your not-so-fine traits, then it means he wants you to be your best self at all time.
    He is assessing your chemistry...
    When he starts asking about what you want in a man and how you would want to be married, then he's just assessing whether his plans coincide with yours. He also would like to evaluate the chemistry that you both share.
    He emphasizes that he's single.
    Observe how he would describe himself each time that you cross paths with him. If he keeps telling you that he's single and isn't dating anyone, then that's him telling you that he's going to ask you out very soon.
    He tells you about the most important people in his life.
    A man who's not ready to share his life with anyone wouldn't even bother to talk about his family. But a man who's ready to be in a relationship would gladly tell how his baby sister would run to him each time he comes home.
    He may tease you a lot.
    Sometimes even the greatest tease has good intentions. Occasionally, men tease women so that the woman's attention would be turned to them. It's alright to let him kid around but when he starts laughing at you, then that's a totally different story.
    He can't get enough of you...
    Ginger anodyne clears the he tries to stay in touch as much as he can. He would definitely be asking you out soon if he calls, texts, or emails more often than before.
    Pay Close Attention Here-
    Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here 

    How To Tell If Your Man Is A Cheating Liar

    Find out if He or She is the one for you

    Pay Per Click Optimization

    Pay-per-click optimization is probably one of the best ways to make more money from your online advertising campaigns. Now big corporations are pouring millions and millions of dollars into PPC marketing. The reason is simply that it works well.
    But there are many different ways to set up online marketing campaigns. It is not really an easy thing to do - there are a lot of technical details and specific guidelines by big advertising networks like Google AdWords that advertisers need to know about in order to run successful marketing campaigns.
    PPC optimization allows you to constantly improve your campaigns so that you get lower prices per click and higher revenues.
    Whenever you chose to find someone who can do pay-per-click optimization for you, make sure that they are experienced in the kind of advertising network that you want to target.
    Most companies and marketers only focus on Google AdWords. But surprisingly, Yahoo Search Marketing and Bing advertising can together bring in almost as much traffic as Google AdWords can. And these advertising platforms are a lot less competitive, and they often have cheaper click-prizes.
    What's more - they are also easier to deal with. Many veteran PPC marketers are getting frustrated with all the hoops that Google makes them jump through. They constantly come up with new rules and regulations and guidelines, and it can become a full-time job just to keep track of their newest requirements.Ginger anodyne clears the palate
    Having said that - if you have a large advertising budget, it still is worth dealing with Google, simply because they are the biggest player in the market.
    For more information and advice on pay-per-click optimization visit Top Paying Surveys
      right now.

    Get Your Web Site to Google Number 1 With Effective Strategies

    By Sarah Reddingworth & AdilTariq
    Do you want to get your web site to number 1? It is fully possible, and in this article, we will look at effective strategies that can work for you and propel your web site to number 1!
    Let's cut the rubbish, because I see so many programs out there that tell,you make money. And the funny thing with this, is that you can actually go through and read a lot of the junk and they miss one important point.
    They don't tell you how yo actually move your site to number 1.
    Getting your web site to number 1, is more about links.
    The more links you have pointing in and out of your site, the more likely you are to be able to get your site to number 1.
    The first thing to do, is to have the right strategy, and this can be done through a number of methods.
    One option is to do article marketing. So, you write an article, and include links to your site.Ginger anodyne clears the palate
    Another option is to do social bookmarking, where you put links on some great social bookmarking sites on the web.
    Another way is with the web 2.0 web sites, such as Twitter, Facebook and others.
    With so many article marketing sites, social bookmarking, and web 2.0 places, you can be sure that you have enough options to be able to propel your web site to a number 1 position.
    Don't let people sell you junk. You can spend years on this junk. Remember links are what are important. Is that all there is to it? No, but it is a start in the right direction!
    The best way to get started with article marketing is to click sign up, and get started! Remember the more articles you submit, the more traffic, the more traffic, the more sales! Google Supremacy - The Holy Grail of Free Google Traffic!

    160,000 Per Month With Google AdWords.

    Article Source:

    Get More Sales With the Right Links

    Do you want to get more sales on your web site? It is possible, with the right links, and here, we will look at what kind of links that you should get to get more sales!
    The first thing to remember is that the SEO you do on your web site is only going to do so much in results.
    Results come when you get links. Why?
    Links are how the big search engines like Google work.
    What they look at is links, and this link must be quality, as quality is a portion of the score, not just numbers.
    Quality links can come from a variety of places, but what you also want to do, is to go through and get direct traffic from those links also.
    This way, you can be sure to find customers coming through those links.
    For example, there are some web sites, in the social bookmarking form that will get you traffic.
    This traffic may just be people searching for things. Another method is to go through and have a look at options with the right methods.
    These research methods are more trial and error, and measuring results.
    But, there are some web sites online where you can put a link, which can benefit your search engine positions, and also bring you direct traffic.Ginger anodyne clears the palate,
    Often getting number 1 on search engines may not bring you sales. For example, if you went through and ranked number 1 for health, but you are a dentist, you would find that it would be a waste, because people are looking for something related but not necessarily what you are looking for.
    So, go out there and get links!
    The best way to get started with article marketing is to click sign up, and get started! Remember the more articles you submit, the more traffic, the more traffic, the more sales! Click

    Sunday, August 1, 2010

    Best Fat Loss Diet

    By Katie A. Jones and Joel Chue & AdilTariq
    The best fat loss diet would essentially mean a diet that is comprised of whole foods. Losing fat is all about consuming fewer calories than your body possibly requires. Meeting that requirement with just dieting can be a bit tough. So it is a combination of diet and exercise that works best for fat loss.
    Best Fat Loss Diet: Some Tips
    1. Quit Processed Food
    The best fat loss diet calls for quitting processed food. You must maintain the nutrient to calorie ratio of whatever you eat. It goes without saying that the processed foods fair too badly as far as nutrition is concerned. Eat wholesome natural food items. Do include all the food groups in your daily diet; including fats.
    2. Consume lots of fluids; especially water.
    Water works as an appetite suppressant and you end up eating less. It also boosts up your metabolism. That means the food you eat actually gets used up to produce energy. But when it comes to fruits, make sure you eat whole fruits and not juices.
    3. Have small frequent meals rather than a few large meals.
    Eat a healthy nutritious breakfast and have an early dinner. Your breakfast lays the foundation of your metabolism for the rest of the day. Have a nutritious breakfast within an hour of waking up. As far as dinner is concerned, you must have it early and choose the lighter options.
    4. Eat Fiber Rich Food.
    The best fat loss diet would comprise of the fiber rich food options. These food items are easily digested and give necessary energy. They are easy on the stomach and do not promote fat accumulation.
    Losing fat is not difficult once you are equipped with the correct information. Incorporate the best fat loss diet in your daily life and see fat melt away like it has never been there.
    If you like some good information on how to lose weight, I've some free advice for you:
    First, click to get your FREE newsletter "5 Minute Fat Loss Secretes" that has helped over 9,000+ readers lose weight and stay thin.Ginger anodyne clears the palate (it also comes with 3 extra FREE gifts!)
    Second... after you get the FREE newsletter, you'll be sent inside my website for even more unique and little known technique to lose pounds fast (up to 14.3lbs in 7 days!)
    Third, with my advice, you'll see yourself losing those weight fast & stay thin!
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    Win the Lottery Guaranteed

    I am sure that any person regardless of status in life would not be able to resist listening or reading about an article on it. I know that as much as I write about it I also find it interesting how other people think of dealing with answering the question of what process could be employed to accomplish this task.
    For me I also came up with some tips and guides I would like to share in more or less getting the numbers right were lottery is concerned. The tips and guide are the following:
    1. Do make an effort to make a regular bet. This may seem as a joke, but many people do in fact hope to win the lottery by placing bets once a week or some even once a month or longer. If you're that person...wake up! This may be a game of chance but don't you think playing it that way stretches your chance way too thinly?
    2. Have a regular set of numbers to bet on. The probably of choosing the right set of numbers for your lottery ticket is very nil but it's probable. You make your probability higher if you at least consistently maintain the numbers you bet on...instead of blinding hitting on any number for every game.
    3. Do your homework. It is a game but it does not mean you cannot use well studied strategies and techniques to play it.
    4. Lastly, do not lose hope it is one thing to loose on the bets it is another to lose hope entirely on the game. Whichever way you want to in leading you to find the on how to win the lottery guaranteed, you must keep your eye on your goal and not be disheartened, especially if you feel it is taking too long in happening.
    However, over and above your yearning to win you must first and foremost bear in mind that whichever technique you chose to aid you in your aim to get the perfect blend of numbers for your lottery ticket another important thing to take note of is that you should not lose sight of your responsibilities.
    Avoid being part of the statistics about people who were so into lotto that they ended up gambling everything they had and ended up in the worst of situations. Remember that no matter how tempting the possibility of winning is, it is still JUST A POSSIBILITY so do not live your life on just that thought. Live your live and reserve your "extra" for your dream grandeur.
    The grandeur will come if you persevere, it may not be as grand as you might visualize it to happen, but it will most likely happen if you do not give up on that dream. For the meantime however, while waiting for it to happen do not also neglect your life as it is in expectation of something that will still happen, or worst might not even happen. Remember dreaming is for free, but betting for the lottery is not.Ginger anodyne clears the palate
    The timing is perfect, I have the right answers for your financial difficulties learn how to predict the lottery number and win the lottery guaranteed. Read about how I won the lottery at my Pick Winning Lottery Numbers blog.